By: Azzam Anwar
Religion, in the most ancient form, has become an important
factor in society. To borrow a phrase from Durkheim, religion appears in the
form of "the sacred" with "the profane" in the public
understanding. Therefore, the relationship between religion and culture does
not need to be debated. For example, our name, how to talk and respect for the
elderly is an example of the relationship between religion and culture.
Religion and culture are always coloring our daily lives. From there, it can be
concluded that the reality of religion will always intersect closely with
everyday reality, the reality of human.
Recognizing this, we will understand that the reality of
religion also requires the active work of the human their self. Religion has
become the reality of human history and culture influencing each other. That is
why; to understand religion in the social construction requires our ability to
understand what is prevailing in the community. This is because the reality of
the real religion of humanity is expressed in the real world. In addition, the
intrinsic meaning of diversity lies in the interpretation and practice of religious
For Foucault, discourse as a daily reality, can be a tool of
interest, power, hegemony, domination culture and knowledge. In the
relationship between religion and culture, there are many elements of power
play important role in society as a social discourse there. Elements of
strength that will be involved in this study will appear at least of two
discourses: social interpretation and scientific knowledge. Social
interpretation can be extracted from social structures such as family, tribe or
nation. Social interpretation provides a clear example of how people produce their
knowledge of religion and use it for their daily activities.
Social interpretation is always connected into public
relations. Typically, the types of relationships occur such as negotiation, conflict
or even "indigenization". In addition, scientific knowledge also
plays a key role that academia or the public how other people see and judge
ultimately the same as they do research. Scientific knowledge has power because
it gives a certain form of "universal truth" for something that is
based on the methodology of scientific research.
There is a lot of debate going on in order to show what religion
or what culture is. Instead of being involved in the debate, we should
celebrate that in the case of the relationship between religion and culture is
always different and has a particular role in a particular reality. There is no
pure reality built neither by religion nor culture per se. Religion and culture
always overlap, intersect and influence each other.
Everyday religion as an
Everyday religion is a way to differentiate the practice of
the daily activities of the official teaching of religion. The term implies
that every religion has its own teaching, but also has its own practice of his
followers. Differences arise because there are many ways to understand the
teaching by the people. Everyday religion is another version of how religion is
understood by ordinary people or laity in the modern era.
This approach will be helpful in order to determine that
religion really practical. We know that people usually tend to rely on their
definition of religion in the official definition of religious institutions
such as churches, rabbi / synagogue or
Ulama. However, there is a kind of social filter that gives distinction in
practice. This approach also shows that in fact people have their own
interpretations or definitions about their religion. Thus, this perspective
will make the meaning and practice of religion more broadly in society.
Everyday Religion definitely brings a new conception of the
meaning of the teachings of other religions. While in the past people just
follow the official interpretation, these days people tend to justify that
their actions can also be classified as a religion based on their
interpretation of the religion itself.
A great example of the daily religion is about the case of
the MUI (Indonesian Cleric Board) fatwa of smoking. MUI stating that smoking is
prohibited because of many reasons of the healthy side. But we know that many
Muslims here still and ignore it. People act against the fatwa by giving
another meaning of the teachings of Islam that "official" is. This is
very interesting because the people push themselves to follow a different way
from the official interpretation as stated by the MUI.
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